About us

Girl Power Marketing's Story
I'm Annie-Mai, and I always thought that I'd go to university, and become a politician. No, but really. But in my late teens, I got diagnosed with anorexia and it put my life on hold. My main focus was to stay out of hospital and ultimately, stay alive. And here I am, so I must've done a good job.
However I was then faced with a new problem. I had dropped out of college, and I didn't to to university - so what was I going to do? Thankfully my mum helped me get my first job at a marketing agency (nepotism baby) and there I was able to not only work, but grow and bloom. Fast forward five years, lockdown happens and Girl Power Marketing (GPM) was born - it was an initiative to prove to others, and myself, that you didn't need a degree to pursue your dreams. Unless you want to be a doctor, of course. GPM's Instagram page grew to 1,000+ followers in one month and I knew that not only was this community something that was wanted, but it was needed.
While I was figuring everything out, I got a new job working for my brother at his marketing agency (nepotism baby, again). More growth happened. More professional development happened. More understanding purpose happened. And it was because of my family that I ended up taking the plunge and doing GPM full-time.
The privilege I've had since my teens, from being able to recover from my illness to getting help and guidance from my family, is exactly what I want to provide the GPM community.
Girl Power Marketing is the place to feel empowered, to keep up-to-date with the ever-changing world of marketing, to achieve your dreams, to get your foot in the door, and most importantly - to have community.
Let’s Work Together
Businesses: I only work with a select few clients. Spaces sometimes open up, so please don't hesitate to get in touch to get a space, or get on my waiting list.
Charities: I always help out in whatever capacity I can, fill out the form and we can chat about what you need.
Community: Have a question? Want to book a 1:1? Just want a chat? No matter what it is, I'm here to listen and help.